
Possibilities Unlocked

Continuous learning unlocks endless possibilities

Education never ends

Aviturians are determined to find new possibilities at every turn and recognize challenges as opportunities for growth. We believe learning is a continuous journey and that education has no end point. Join us on this journey; explore our insights to see what we’ve learned and what we’re continuing to discover.

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Blog Feature

July 19, 2023

Aviture Is Heading to Nebraska.Code(): Our Speakers and More

Aviture  |  Company News  |  Conferences  |  Culture  |  agile  |  community

Nebraska.Code() is the annual technology conference held in Lincoln, Nebraska focusing on various aspects of software development including deep dives into programming languages, frameworks, tools, and best practices for developers. This year, Aviture is not only a Gold Sponsor but has three Aviturians hosting their own speaker sessions! Jerry Koske, Brandon Suponchick, and Art Doler will be taking attendees deeper into aspects of their knowledge of their craft. Take a look at their video promos and descriptions below to lean more about the speakers and their talks.

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Blog Feature

July 13, 2023

The Agile Method: Getting Comfortable with Uncertainty

Create Impact  |  IT Modernization  |  Scaling  |  agile  |  business analysis

Agile is one of the most effective ways to deliver value at the speed of business. To be successful, you have to get the appropriate stakeholders on board with the reality that we might not always know what we're going to be working on next. There will be times when a stakeholder will ask “I have this idea. When can it come to fruition?”, and the development team won’t be able to provide them with the answer they’re looking for. Instead, we will do everything we can to ensure that our teams are always working on what’s most valuable to them at the moment. By doing this, we will make progress and deliver capability along the lines of what you're looking for. We will take what we learn along the way to make this capability better with each iteration — and as long as it's still the most important thing to you, we'll keep making it better.

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Blog Feature

May 18, 2023

Castaway Week: Bringing Culture and the Remote Worker Together

Castaway Week  |  Culture  |  Events  |  Working Remotely  |  community

Feeling disconnected and isolated from coworkers has been a problem that almost every company has been facing for years (and wasn’t exactly helped by that whole pandemic thing either). While being a remote worker offers a lot of flexibility and can help with a work-life balance, maintaining a strong and healthy company culture that stretches across the states, sometimes even across continents, is a real challenge. Company culture is not only a huge part of our company, but a very important aspect to any company’s identity and stability.

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Blog Feature

April 05, 2023

How to Survive a Conference: 8 Tips and Tricks

Conferences  |  Culture  |  community involvement  |  tech community

So, you’ve decided to go to a conference. Great! This is the perfect opportunity to immerse yourself in an environment that allows you to thrive in your career. Whether you’re looking for tips to overcome networking nervousness or need some help to fine-tune your conferencing skills, there are a bunch of situations and scenarios that we can help you navigate with ease — we’ve got some experience! Meagan Anderson, Project Manager at Aviture, along with Art Doler, Community and Culture Steward and Senior Software Developer, are here to help guide and provide tips for various conference networking scenarios.

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Blog Feature

March 14, 2023

Why UX Design Is Important: 4 Ways These Businesses Grew

Air Force  |  Technology  |  UX  |  carson  |  decison logic  |  guardian

Designing a great user experience is more than just updating your website or application's user interface — it encompasses everything your users interact with. In addition, every dollar invested in UX results in a return of $100 — generating an ROI of 9,900%. In a world where customer-centric companies are 60% more profitable, it pays (literally) to prioritize UX. Understanding why user experience is important will have a positive impact on your business — the same as it did for these four companies.

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Blog Feature

February 01, 2023

Quantum Computing Explained

Defining Dev  |  Quantum Computing  |  Technology

Alongside recent discussions of artificial intelligence and the idea of “what’s next” for the technological world, you’ve probably stumbled across the idea of quantum computing. It’s a rapidly-emerging technology that is seen as a milestone in the computing space due to the fact that machines that utilize quantum computing can outperform the practical capabilities of normal computers.

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Blog Feature

January 11, 2023

Artificial Intelligence Versus Machine Learning

Defining Dev  |  artificial intelligence  |  machine learning

In today’s world, it’s nearly impossible to not have heard the words, “artificial intelligence” or “machine learning” when talking about some of the most bleeding-edge technology across multiple fields. (Cough, cough — ChatGPT!)

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Blog Feature

December 21, 2022

Create Impact: The Best Engineering Insights for 2023

Culture  |  agile  |  company culture  |  product development  |  product lifecycle  |  software development  |  thought leadership

As we round out 2022, take a dive into a collection of our greatest articles written by Aviturians from our Create Impact series, an initiative focused on sharing and developing the topics that inspire our engineers to innovate. Each article will take you on a deep dive into a subject they’re passionate about, showing you the thinking behind cutting-edge engineering advances, the latest UX trends, development theories, and other unique topics that enable Aviturians to embrace the Art of the Possible for our clients.

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